I had a certain hunch about her and wondered if she'd ever do Noelle in at some point but I did shrug it off in the end. I suppose they don't really care about her middle-class background? On the upside, Reed did have a few real friends in the end like Constance whom I like and Ivy ended up being the best frenemy Reed could have hoped for. I was a bit surprised about the last book when all the guys at Easton were fighting for Reed's affections. Even though a few things were her fault, I felt like she didn't deserve what she had gotten.

I cried fairly often in this particular book (a few times in the last book Ambition-the very end) because it was hard to see Reed getting slammed with everything all at once. This book has Reed going through a lot of stuff especially after dealing with Dash at the Legacy. I think Noelle is a very strange person to understand her real motive or her real feelings. Yes she's mean, yes she does what she can to get what she wants, but I don't think she's capable of murder or anything too heinous (at least RIGHT NOW and in previous books). After everything that happened with Ariana the previous year, I don't think Noelle is taking chances. Although Noelle is bitchy and has this air about her, I think she grew to care for Reed in her mysterious yet creepy way. After everything I've read, I'm not looking at Noelle to be the one who does Reed in, in the end. She was set up and fell for it because of her vulnerability. Yes, Reed did make a mistake at the Legacy, but it wasn't all her fault. I've gone through some things Reed has: the ostracizing, the humiliation, the pain. I think book was my favorite so far, even if it wasn't Reed's best time. Now, if we could only convince Reed that she should call the cops when people break into her room, we might keep the body count down. The book is so good that once I let myself start it, I had to read straight on until my suspicions were proven correct. I just had no idea why she did it or her connection to the last friend who was secretly trying to break Reed. I have spent every other book since Sabine appeared shrieking that there's something just not quite right about the girl and this time I spent, literally, the entire book willing Reed to realize that for whatever reason, Sabine was the killer and Reed's stalker as well. Most of Revelation revolves around Reed trying to win her way back into Billings as well as her attempts to find out who really killed Cheyenne. Thankfully once the girl seems to hit rock bottom, she finds she has a spine of her own, and she gets some Noelle worthy snaps. Much as I love the Private series, I will admit that Reed tends to grate on my nerves after a short while.