
Mere christianity
Mere christianity

mere christianity

Urn:oclc:77519369 Republisher_date 20120416042112 Republisher_operator Scandate 20120414212516 Scanner . Though Lewis himself is best known for his children’s fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity is likely Lewis’s most famous work of Christian apologeticsa genre dedicated to addressing various critiques of Christian theology. Lewis builds the foundation of his apologetic b. There is little mention of Christianity in this first book. Mere Christianity brings together Lewiss legendary broadcast talks of the. One of them, Mere Christianity, published in 1952 and consisting of previously.

mere christianity

Lewiss works of non-fiction, with several million copies sold worldwide. OL71056W Page_number_confidence 82.31 Pages 262 Ppi 514 Related-external-id urn:isbn:0796305293 Lewis's preface explains what Mere Christianity is and what it attempts to do. The book is compiled of the legendary radio talks which he gave during the war years. Lewis met with rejection early in his career before going on to sell 200 million copies of his books. Mere Christianity is the most popular of C. Urn:lcp:merechristianity00csle:lcpdf:f63c6cde-4af8-4709-a286-ab391620aba5 is the way in which Lewis leads the reader on a relentlessly rational and imaginative four-part journey: from Atheism to Theism, from Theism to Christianity, from Christian belief to Christian behavior, and finally from Christian behavior to becoming like Christ. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 17:07:01 Boxid IA177101 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City London Donorĭanielsiders Edition Special centenary ed.

Mere christianity